A lot of Ghanaians have given up on studying within the country, due to different personal reasons. However, a couple is quite interesting reasons to study in Ghanaian institutions as they offer the best possible learning environment and knowledge needed for students to excel after graduation.
For those who are looking for the ideal course that can give you a good job after graduation and still leave you with plenty time while you are studying them, these courses have been selected out of the many courses in Ghanaian universities and from the experiences and opinions of those who studied them. Based on keen observations in the previous years, these courses are considered the most prestigious to study in studylocal Ghana; graduates from these departments do not have to hunt for jobs endlessly have fun studying these courses.
Here are some great Courses in StudyLocal Ghana.
ü  Medicine
ü  Accounting
ü  Chemical and petroleum engineering
ü  Theater arts
ü  Pharmacy
ü  Computer engineering and IT
ü  Mass communication and journalism
ü  Nursing and laboratory science
ü  Marketing
StudyLocal Ghana is an Online Directory for courses/programs offered accredited institutions in Ghana. At studylocal Nigeria, we are focused on encouraging students in Ghana to remain in Ghana for their studies rather than studying abroad.
At studylocal, we match institutions to students who need to study locally rather than overseas. Our mission to institutions are in two folds:
To help local schools with campus-based degree courses recruit local and international students who want to study in Ghana.
To also help international schools with online-based degree courses recruit a local student who wants to study from Ghana.
Our major services rendered in study local Ghana are;
1. Search schools and courses:
Searching for the right school and courses can be nerve-wracking, but with Study Local our core service is to give you the right guide and path to discovering the best and possible courses of your choice. We provide students with options for choosing the best, accredited institutions in Ghana and abroad.
We give insights on the schools- prospectus, institutions, credentials, rankings, courses, duration, study path, study pace, choice of state, study duration, time zones and location of the institution's campus.
This very aspect of our services is in maximum advantage to the students whereby we help students achieve what they want and we give them varieties of options of institutions, we enlighten them on the schools with the courses intended and completely detailed information to the best guidance of the student.
2. Services for students:
We assist students to search for the right course, apply to the schools on their behalf, in some instances we help secure admission into a school in Ghana and online international schools. We provide students easy access to Ghanaian institutions and international online schools. Our many more services for students include the following:
ü  Course Search Services: Search for under and postgraduate degree courses in Ghana
ü  Admission Support Services– we help process your admission for postgraduate studies
ü  Document Retrieval Services – we assist in obtaining documents from institutions in Ghana
ü  Transcripts
ü  Certificates
ü  Letter of Reference
ü  Letter of Recommendation
ü  Course Outline
ü  Information Services – A curation of school admission processes, announcements, brochures and press releases
3. Services for schools:
We partner with different institutions to bring prospective students into the Universities. Our services for this section entails
ü  Course promotion services: display of courses on portals
ü  Course Management services –access to course management system allowing self-management of listed courses
ü  Student recruitment services for PG schools in Ghana– we help post-graduate schools in Ghana recruit students
ü  Student recruitment services for International online schools – we help international online schools recruit students based in Ghana
However, a lot of courses are quite interesting to study in Ghanaian universities as they offer the best learning environment and knowledge for the student to excel. if you are looking for a good course that will give opportunities in your career path, studylocal Ghana is the best and alternative solution to tend your educational need or if you are looking for an ideal course that will guarantee a good job after graduation then studylocal provides the access to a wide range of accredited Ghanaian institutions to postgraduate courses.


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