The Effectiveness and Credibility of Postgraduate Schools.

Postgraduate education is an important level of education as it provides tertiary institutions with opportunities to build their academic worth, enhance research capabilities and financial profit.

However, the credibility of Postgraduate (Pg) schools widely depends on the following factors:

· The effective and efficient supervision of the Pg. students

· Availability of well-equipped and comfortable environment for learning

· Availability of quality research environment

· Good administrative support services

· Availability of well-trained lecturers

Moreover, tertiary intuitions have a key role to play in ensuring these factors are efficiently utilized and carried out. Despite its enormous importance, teaching and learning through postgraduate supervision is not fully understood. As the high level of expectation of Pg. supervision is increasing. The supervisory role is becoming more challenging due to the fact that most Pg. students are coming from various cultural, economic, linguistic and educational backgrounds and their attraction and retention are principal for educational institutions.

Furthermore, the success of an effective and a credible Pg. school can be achieved, only if the factors that influence it is critically followed by analyzing and implementing the factors.

Finally, in Ghana, there are different numbers of credible Pg. a school where you can apply to study any of the Pg. programs. For more information visit


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