International MBA at Eaton Business School

The economic boundaries across the world has already disappeared, and the ones existing are diminishing too. The impact of technology has and is continuing to play a major role in globalizing the business. Critical information is transferred to key verticals in a business, across continents, to ensure the effectiveness of business process to improve the bottom line. This International MBA program is one of the best executive program which can be pursued online, as distance learning or as part-time. Be it an organization that you are representing, or if it’s your own business exploring an international presence, understanding of best practices and optimum use of resources beyond borders are key to its success. Culture, language, political systems, geography, and socio-economic factors all influence a company’s business practices. Researching the companies you wish to do business with, including their business practices, culture and tradition is vital to business success in this global marketplace.

  • To provide an opportunity for students to develop a general grasp of international business related knowledge in organizational management.
  • To prepare students intellectually and practically for effective performance in their place of work / employment.
  • To develop in students an understanding of the issues of international business management and business processes including the interrelationship between the core functional areas of an organizations, relative to particular sectors whether public or private.
  • To develop specialized knowledge and domain expertise in a particular field of business such as Human Resource ManagementHealthcare ManagementSupply chain and logistics managementProject Management etc. from an international outlook to enable students to assume greater specialization in their place of employment.
  • To develop an awareness of the problems confronted by organizations and businesses and to equip them with the means to solve problems.

Applicants must have attained the following qualifications:
  • Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University
  • English Proficiency equivalent to IELTS 5.5 and above
  • Minimum 20 years of age
  • Minimum 2 years of work experience preferred


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